Thursday, June 19, 2008

Our Mission

We are an association incorporated under the Societies Act 1966 with the registration number 62. The purpose of this Persatuan is to represent the owners of the Megamall Pinang shopping complex on all matters related to the complex to ensure that your interest in the Complex is protected and enhanced.

The Persatuan is a forum that is open to all owners and business operators of Megamall Pinang. We welcome everyone's participation and commitment to work together for the future of our Complex

As an association which represents the owners and business operators in this Complex, we have plans that will benefit all parties in the future. With the proliferation of more shopping complex in the surrounding area, we have to come out with new ideas which will help us to move forward in developing our mall and to maintain the momentum and the successes of our business and mall.

We have been having dialogues, discussion, functions and events with the Royal Malaysian Police. With the alarming rate of snatch thief, vehicle thief and etc, we will be upgrading the standard of security. This is to ensure our customers feel safe to shop here.

Currently the extended shops have been blocking the entrance of the permanent shop units. This have caused dissatisfaction among both parties. To ensure win – win situation, we will be encouraging these extended shop areas to rent out shop lots at level 2,3 and 4. This will allow all parties to conduct their business without any tension and on the other hand will promote better customer flows in the upper floors.

To ensure customers reach all the floors in the Complex, the Persatuan has future plans to set up 2 sky-lift at the main common area. This will encourage the shoppers to visit all the upper floors.

We have been organizing events and functions related to charity ie : blood donation, anti drug campaign, Rakan Cop, donation for the Johor flood victim and etc. We as a non profit organization will not only ensure that the rights of our owners and business operators are protected, but the welfare of our community also will be given priority.

The Persatuan have been guiding and working closely with the new hotel owner to help in all necessary areas for the reconstruction of the hotel.

We are liaising together with the new hotel owner and local council ( MPSP ) to upgrade and restructure the roads surrounding Megamall / Bandar Perai Jaya and its drainage system

Other than that, the 4th floor will be turn into showroom, college or other attractions that will attract more customers to the Complex, rather than remaining vacant and and an eye-sore in its present condition.

A vote for the Persatuan in the coming JMB Meeting is a vote for self-management of the Complex. The members of the association are themselves owners who have their business and livelihood in this Complex. In fact the Persatuan welcome participation from all owners to jointly manage the Complex together. As the owner we would surely manage the Complex to ensure that the sucess of the mall remains the main priority.

PK 2008

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